Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Well, I Was Close!

He is 27 inches long, 18 inch head circumference (75%-ile!), but the aide weighed him at 17 lbs 2 oz. I really thought that was wrong, but I didn't want to undermine her by calibrating the scale. She wasn't entirely sure what she was doing, so she tried again. Anyway, last week I had weighed him on our home digital baby scale, and he weighed 17 lbs 9 oz. Today I weighed him and he was 17 lbs 15 1/2 ounces. So, I know he's growing well, regardless of what the actual number is (but I'm right!) :)

Other news: he can start most table foods at 9 months. We also have to be more aggressive with eczema treatments. So we bought a large tube of uber-expensive special lotion & hydrocortisone & we can now bathe him daily, provided that they are quick baths.

So, a good visit overall!

Going to the Doc

For a well visit! Mommy was bad & made the appointment a week before he turned 6 months old, so of course, we had to push it way back! He's going to get shots today, which I dread. Daddy might come along, too, for support.

My pre-visit predictions: 17#, 11 oz, 27 inches long, 17 1/2 inch head circumference. We'll see how close I am in a couple of hours!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Seven Months


Corbin is 7 months old today. I can't believe it! Time is just zooming by. It seems like every time I look at him, he looks and acts "older."

He started this thing where he rolls to where he wants to go. No crawling yet, although this morning in bed, he "army crawled" with his arms for a second.

He has a couple more teeth coming in on the bottom. No top ones are at the gumline yet. Appropriately, he is gnawing on everything, especially his right hand.

We got some cool new fancy diapers in the mail yesterday. Of course, I have to now have a fashion show.

Here he is in his new minky camo dipe:


Corbin of the Jungle:

Mmmm, tasty toes!

and a Ruby Minky;

Mmmm, tasty cell phone!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Jump, Jump!

I first saw this toy at playgroup & saw Corbin eyeing it. So, I told Jon about it, and we broke down Friday night and bought Corbin a Jumperoo. It's like an exersaucer on a bungee cord. It's an expensive lil sucker, but there's always the "we'll use it for baby #2" argument. And look at how much fun he is having! Worth it! Here's a video clip, with bonus dog...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Random Baby Cuteness

I took a couple of pics before morning nap. He is just so sweet! And sitting up just adds a whole new dimension to playtime!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sitting & Standing

Corbin decided on Sunday that he would sit independently. Before he would sit for a couple of seconds and then topple over. Now it's more like a few minutes before he whips around & loses it. Here he is in some garage sale duds that we picked up on Saturday. We happened into a sale that was selling the baby clothes of twin boys- they had very cute stuff & cheap!

And also from our garage sale spoils, here is his new toy! This activity table was free (they were done with their garage sale & it didn't sell), but Jon felt badly about just taking it, so he gave the guy $2. What a deal!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Friday Night at the Park

Friday night, we took Corbin to the park for his first swingset experience. We had a great time. He went to bed super-easily that night.

Here he is walking into the park with Daddy


First time in the bucket swings. Can you see those teeth?


Stopped to make a funny face!


Rock on!!


Time to slide!


That was fun!


Daddy & baby


Friday, June 6, 2008

Naps are for Babies!!

Hi! Corbin here! I know it's been a long time since mom let me on the computer. I have a case of daytime insomnia, so I thought I would log on for a minute. Mom is trying to get me to nap in my crib instead of my swing, which I prefer. She panicked when she saw me leaning out of it the other day. I told her I was just playing, but she won't listen. Leaning to the side is just another one my new tricks. Mom doesn't really have any room to complain, though. I sleep 9-10 hours uninterrupted every night.

I happen to think dark circles under my eyes make me look learned, like a college student.

I got some new diapers in the mail yesterday. Mom gets so excited about this kind of stuff. They are nice and soft. I wanted to show her that I like them, too. So I poopied in one to show my enthusiasm.

I've been really busy these days. First of all, I am working on so many new skills. I am not crawling yet- in fact, if you put me on my belly, I immediately roll over. That's a fun game. I can tell mom likes it, too. I can't always hear what she's saying because she's mumbling to herself, but boy, do I have fun!

I am almost sitting independently. I still prefer to stand. I can reach to go "up up" and I can throw a little fit if I don't get my way. I get especially peeved if mommy or daddy is eating or drinking something delicious looking, like coffee, beer, eggplant parmesan. They try and fool me by shoving prunes or avocadoes in my mouth, but I know better!

Speaking of food, listen to all the yummy things I am eating these days: pears, sweet potatoes, prunes, avocadoes, bananas, carrots, apples, peas, oatmeal, and rice cereal.

I'm going to the pool a lot lately, and we have been taking daily walks. I overheard mommy & daddy say they might take me to the park tonight & try out the bucket swings! Yay! I hope so!

Here are a couple of pics of me playing today. See how happy I look? Who needs sleep? Boycott naps!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Pool Party

Today we took Corbin to the pool for the first time. The pool is the only reason I don't want our condo to sell in the next couple of months.

It was a clear, pretty day. The water could have been a little warmer, but we all tolerated it fairly well. Corbin didn't cry like he did when we put his toes in the lake. There were quite a few people there today, so he had plenty of entertainment. We slathered him up with some chemical-free sunscreen & he really seemed to enjoy the sun's warm rays on his little bald head.

Here are a few highlight pics.

Mmmm... toes!